Sunday, 18 April 2010

Welcome to my new Blog!

First of all, I'll explain why I started this blog,
After wondering around south argentina + chile for 2 months, I (bit by bit) started getting the filling the maybe I'm not preserving all my memories as best as I should.
Taking lots of pictures is great and all, but I tought i would like to keep a record of the names and places I've met and seen.
The options I've found we´re:
a. start a journal.
1. only I watch and see till the end of this trip at least..
2. is in hebrew.
b. start a blog.
1. friends and family read and post their comments about my progress
2. is in english/spanish/jibrish.

well, here I am, made my decision... hopping you'll enjoy it.


  1. Bro It's wonderful I'm enjoying it very much.

  2. good decision, I've enjoyed ... still do
