Monday, 26 April 2010

Constant Packing

Ever since you got your first T-shirt, shoes, bike... you own possessions.
You've your own room, your own bed, closet, clothes, books, CD's...
If your lucky, you've got enough space in that room of yours, to arrange it the way you want it. CD's by the stereo, clothes in the closet, books on the shelf, bed...well you got the idea.

Going on a business trip, a trip around the world, a year in south america or even a weekend in Madrid with your wife/housband/friends/family you have to pack. a large ''Muchila'', a suitcase, or just a handbag, maybe even all of the above.

When your moving from place to place, like on my trip, or any Backpacker's trip, as you could have guessed from its name... you find yourself living in a bag.

I my self, carry around 2 bags:
  1. ''La Muchila'': A big (75+15 Liters) rugsack, which has the main purpose of a trekking pack, but also is the large bag that stays behind on one day hikes, or is loaded to the trunk of the bus on a short/long ride to the next stop of the trip.
  2. The day pack: A small (35 liters) backpack. this one should be able to carry equipment good for the day hikes, and should be big enough to gather all the ''leftovers'' you want to leave in the hostels for safe keeping.
After a month or so, one finds himself in an odd place. Thinking back at the trips I've taken, before & after every trek/busride/day hike, you have to pack all your belongings, and decide each time ''what goes where?''. All should fit. It fit before didn't it?

Doing so you find you'rself unpacking and repacking 2-3 times a week. Each time for a different purpose. You even remember all your belongings by heart!

You can get the hang of it pretty fast, but there is no way, you can manage not to be a ''Packulero'' (Packing+Muchilro)...

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